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Latest news and events from CAFFE

Space Run Game

Mushfiq, Sayem and Shorif alongside their mentor, Rabiul, entered the Godot Wild Jam with their game Space Run. This is the first time the group worked independently to enter a game jam using Godot.

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Students outside CAFFE

Space Run

Sayem's Godot Game

Sayem made three different top down shooter games in Godot. Try them out now on

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Students outside CAFFE

Top Down Games

Students' Game on Google Play Store

Our Godot students have released their game Ektana (Non-Stop) on the Google Play Store. Their game is now available for download on Android phones. We are really proud that they have published their first game and look forward to more in the future.

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Students outside CAFFE

Ektana on Google Play

Students' Game at Godot Con 23

Our Godot students were honoured to have their game played by some of the attendees of Godot Con 23 in Munich. Shorif, Mushfiq and Sayem joined a zoom call to watch fellow Godot developers play their game and give them feedback on how they can improve it. This was a huge opportunity for them and we are very grateful to those who made this a special experience for our students.

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Students outside CAFFE

Godot Con 23

Students' First Godot Game

Congratulations to Mushfiq, Sayem and Shorif who completed their first ever game made in the Godot Engine. The aim of the game is to keep passing the ball from left to right, avoiding obstacles and collecting items to take you to the next level. The game is called একটানা (Ektana) which means 'non-stop'

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Godot team at work

CAFFE Swimming Lessons

October 2023 saw our first month of swimming classes at CAFFE. During this time we worked with 21 students and held over 70 hours of classes for students and teachers. We are delighted that 15 students, who were all non-swimmers when we started, can now swim at least one length of the pool, with many able to go even further. Several other students, who could already swim, have now started working on more advanced techniques such as the front crawl with side breathing.

Students outside CAFFE

CAFFE Swimming Students

Shanta's KaboomJS Game

Shanta completed her first game in KaboomJS called আমি স্কুলে যাচ্ছি (I am going to school). This is a puzzle, maze game for young children. Collect items and solve puzzles to make your way through the maze.

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আমি স্কুলে যাচ্ছি by Shanta

Maureen Borbone Award 2023

We are very proud of this year's recipient of the Maureen Borbone Award, Nasima Akther. Nasima has shown outstanding work, especially in her tailoring class where she has stepped up tp help other students, even putting their needs ahead of her own.

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Team Work

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Nasima receiving her award

Challenge: Make a game in ten minutes!

Could you make a playable computer game in just ten minutes? Out students tried doing this with MakeCode Arcade. They were given a random setting and style of gameplay and then had just ten minutes to try to make a playable game.

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Sayem's ten minute game

Food from around the world

The cooking class made food for the English students' landmark presentations. They made Heston Blumenthal's triple cooked chips from England, Egyptian kofta and fruit popsicles which were invented in San Francisco.

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Students outside CAFFE

Triple cooked chips and kofta

New Freelancing Student

New freelancing student, Imrana won her first job on Here you can see the logo she designed for Western Energy Contractors for which she was paid $50.

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Students outside CAFFE

Logo for Western Energy Contractors

MakeCode Arcade Game Jam

CAFFE students created games for Microsoft's MakeCode Arcade Prehistoric Game Jam. The theme was to make a game set in pre-historic times. Congratulations to Sayem who received an honourable mention.

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Player Vs Dinsosaur by Gobindo

Shanta's first JavaScript Game

New CAFFE coding teacher made her first JavaScript game for a game jam. In her game, whenever your character loses a life, the player has a chance to win it back by fighting a boss. The game merges two genres, Platform and Space shooter!

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Puroshkar by Shanta

English Class try Cooking

The CAFFE English Class students made cupcakes. They learned the vocabulary needed for the cooking equipment and then learned to follow a recipe in English.

Problem Solving

Team work

Language Skills

Students outside CAFFE

Students made cupcakes

CAFFE Eid Stall

The CAFFE students ran an iftar stall during Ramadan. They prepared and sold various snacks to the public. The stall was a great success with many returning customers.

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Students outside CAFFE

Students at their stall outside CAFFE